How to Get a Work Permit in North Dakota

Getting a work permit in North Dakota is much easier than most teens think, but the entire process can be pretty confusing if you've never done it before. Because of this, we've created this page which outlines everything you need to know about getting a work permit in North Dakota.  If you're under the age of 16, a work permit is required to work part-time at any company, so follow what we've outlined here and you can get a job in no time.

Minimum Working Age in North Dakota

In 2012, unemployment in North Dakota was 3.2%, the lowest in the nation. With so little unemployment, hiring minors is a great way to expand the pool of applicants to open positions. In North Dakota, minors that are interested in working are able to do so at the age of 14. For minors age 14 and 15, it is required for an Employment and Age Certificate to be filed with the Department of Labor and Human Rights. Click here for more information on teen labor laws in North Dakota.

Applying For a Work Permit in North Dakota

Minors aged 14 and 15 in North Dakota must obtain an Employment and Age Certificate prior to starting work. The process to obtain the Employment and Age Certificate is straightforward.  Minors aged 14 and 15 who are seeking to work in North Dakota should take the following steps to obtain the Employment and Age Certificate:

  1. The minor should first find an employment opportunity.
  2. Once a job has been found, the minor must file an Employment and Age Certificate with the Department of Labor and Human Rights. The Employment and Age Certificate can be accessed by clicking here. Minors are also able to obtain the form at the Department of Labor and Human Rights’ office and website, as well as County School Superintendents’ offices.
  3. The Employment and Age Certificate has a section that must be completed by the minor, one that must be completed by the minor’s parent or guardian, and one that must be completed by the employer. The employer must review the minor’s evidence of age (birth certificate or school record) and sign the form stating that they have done so. The employer’s section will include information on the job duties to be performed.
  4. Once the form is completed, the parent or guardian of the minor must file within ten days the original and two copies of the form with the North Dakota Department of Labor and Human Rights, the minor’s employer (one copy) and one copy to the principal of the school that the minor attends. Essentially, the minor’s parent or guardian is the individual who issues the Employment and Age Certificate.
  5. Once the minor brings the copy of the Employment and Age Certificate to their employer, they are able to begin working.
  6. The North Dakota Department of Labor and Human Rights will review the Employment and Age Certificate and contact the minor or the employer with any questions.

Transferring Work Permits in North Dakota

The Employment and Age Certificate is issued for each job held; once a minor chooses to work elsewhere, a new Employment and Age Certificate must be filed.

Employer Responsibility With Work Permits in North Dakota

While minors as young as age 14 are able to work in the state of North Dakota, minors under the age of 16 are required to obtain a work permit, known in North Dakota as an Employment and Age Certificate, prior to doing so. The employer should not allow a minor to begin employment without their providing this document. In regards to work permits, employers in North Dakota have the following responsibilities:

  1. The employer must complete their section of the Employment and Age Certificate, review the evidence of age for the minor, and sign the certificate stating that they have done so.
  2. When completing their section of the Employment and Age Certificate, the employer must state the job duties they are intending for the minor as well as the pay rate.
  3. The employer must keep the completed Employment and Age Certificate on file for each minor hired. The certificate should be able to be inspected by the principal of the minor’s school or the labor commissioner or their representative.
  4. The employer of minors must post in a noticeable place a notice that states the hours of work that are being required of each minor for each day of the week. This will include the hours that the minor is to start work and to complete work, as well as the hours that are being allow for meals. The notice will be provided by the labor commissioner.
  5. The employer must follow child labor laws.

Employers in North Dakota who are looking to hire minors aged 14 and 15 will not find it difficult to do so. The process that the employer needs to follow is straightforward and the employer’s role is minimal. The employer is required to follow child labor laws and must have an Employment and Age Certificate on file prior to allowing the minor to begin work.